2. The Simple "What, So What, Now What" Approach to Giving Effective Feedback

Let’s face it—giving feedback isn’t always easy. Many of us tend to avoid it because it can be uncomfortable, or we’re unsure how to approach it. But here’s the thing: feedback doesn’t have to be difficult. Keeping it simple is the key. 

Enter the What, So What, Now What method—a straightforward, practical approach that helps you deliver clear, constructive feedback that actually gets results.

  1. What’s Happening?
    Start by addressing the situation directly and promptly. Be specific about what happened, so there’s no room for confusion. For example, “This morning you arrived 2 minutes late, and this is the third time this month.”
  1. So What?
    Next, explain the impact of their actions. Focus on the behaviour, not the person, and make it clear why it matters: “You appeared flustered, and the impact of you being late is that it puts pressure on the team.”
  1. Now What?
    Finally, move to action. Discuss how you can work together to avoid the issue in the future. Ask for their input and support them in finding a solution: “Being on time is important to keep things running smoothly. How can I help you be on time for your shift?”

This method keeps feedback focused, fair, and action-oriented. It’s not just about pointing out problems—it’s about fostering growth and building a stronger, more cohesive team. Start using the What, So What, Now What approach today, and see how it transforms the way you lead and support your team.